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Reality Check: The Film Industry is Still in Grave Danger

Balancing Fear and Logic for the Future of the Film Industry


The Observer's article posted on April 28th, 2021 written by

Brandon Katz highlights the concern for the future of the film industry.

The infamous global pandemic of 2020 brought to you by way of COVID-19 is definitely a time that will go down in the history books. There's no telling where the future lies as we are constantly assessing and reassessing. One major topic discussed is the future and current state of the film industry.
New York City hasn't seen the inside of a movie theater for roughly a year. No popcorn, no loud children watching a film that's probably not age appropriate. No ordering food at the Alamo Drafthouse. (Cookie shakes happen to be my favorite) It's truly been a sad state of affairs.

This subject is one that certainly hits home for me. Just in case I haven't already told you, I'm a filmmaker who decided to enroll in film school in the middle of this pandemic; while. Perhaps I'm crazy. For awhile, I certainly thought I was but it has taken some time to realize this is the smartest thing I've ever done. I chose to push past my fear of the unknown. Creativity is the world I've always wanted to be immersed in and I decided why not take a leap of faith?
Where am I going with this? Well, I'll make it even more personal. I've lived most of my life knowing what I wanted to do yet I ignored that voice in my head and listened to everyone else's. Survival instincts and fear seemed to be the big motivator behind everyone's advice to go to school, find a good job with benefits and enjoy your retirement after 20 years (maybe longer). Twenty years is a huge chunk of someone's life. Did I need to wait that long to enjoy mine? What if I was miserable at my job even though it paid me well? Past experience taught me the importance of maintaining a healthy mindset especially in the workplace. 

At some point I realized it was ok to be scared and there was a legitimate reason to be, but so long as there is passion, a plan and strategy to get what you want, I don't believe you can lose. Fear keeps us grounded and reminds us of the very real challenges we may face. Fear can also be paralyzing. Often times we choose the safe route and don't make a move because the risks are too great and there may be a terrible outcome. I'm done being paralyzed.  
I have faith in this industry. Change is inevitable and it is the job of the creator to get creative. We adapt with the times. While it's true that big blockbuster films have taken a hit in ticket sales, they are still helping the industry stay afloat by encouraging audiences to watch big action sequences on the big screen. We are also in a better time for independent filmmakers like myself as these films have become more popular in the pandemic. Indie films may not require a huge budget and thus more content can be put out there.
In conclusion, I am enjoying this journey as I can tell you I am the happiest I have ever been. I look forward to making more projects that inspire thought or simply offer peace of mind to it's viewers. 

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